Dr. Douglas’ message on choices this past Sunday gave me cause to ponder choices I have made in the past. I have had the blessing of living long enough for my children to thank me for my choices on the discipline I used on them. I have also learned some valuable lessons from some of my choices.
We make choices every day and sometimes never consider the effects our choices make on other people. How often do you ask God about a choice you have to make?
In December of 1991 I had made the choice to pursue a career change. Praying for this opportunity for six years, in my last prayer I promised God if I did not obtain this career I would quit pursuing it.
I arrived at the interview, in a corduroy suit, just barely on time. It was the first interview at which I had ever been nervous. Needless to say, I had such a poor interview I knew I would not get the position. Keeping with my promise, I stopped pursuing that position.
In March of 1992, I received a call and was offered that job. I had to make the choice quickly. I started my new career on April 1, 1992, (yes that’s April fool’s Day, think God was trying to tell me something?). I count the eleven years in that position a blessing in how God put me in areas where I could witness for Him (yet another choice). My wife learned what it was like to be a single parent due to my constant travel.
We all have a choice to make. Who do we serve? In Joshua 24:15 (NKJV) its says
15 …choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,……………………………………………………………………...…..( I praise God I made this choice when my children were small.)…............But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
With The Love of Christ
Deacon Dan
Deuteronomy 31:6
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