This Memorial Day has given me the chance to reflect on the price of freedom. What would you give to have freedom? Men and women have given their lives both as a career in our armed services and from the brutality of war. I thank and praise God for men & women who have afforded me a free country.
I seldom have thought about another freedom. I am free from the wages of my sin. I never thought about being free from sin much until this Memorial Day. If you are a born again Christian then you are free too. You see Paul’s letter to the Romans explained it all.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2. Jesus paid it all. He set me free from the wages of my sin and gave me everlasting life. He can set you free too. Freedom a gift from Jesus, won’t you accept it if you don’t know him? I hope you have reflected on Freedom this Memorial Day.
In Christ’s Love
Deacon Dan
Deut. 31:6
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