I go by several names. My girls call me Daddy. I am known as Dan to current friends and colleagues. My wife, in-laws, and people I worked with over thirty years ago call me Danny. I am known as LT Dan to a few special friends (that means you, Presley Utz). I have also been called Son, Dip, Duffus, CT Dan, Sandbags and a few others I can’t put in a church newsletter.
My favorite is Papaw. You see, my children and I are training my grandchildren to call me Papaw (yes I said “training” but that discussion is for another article). That is what I knew my Grandfather Carter by (now you know where my grandson gets his name from); Papaw, a term of endearment because I loved my Grandfather immensely. Papaw is derived from Papa. You may even call your father Papa.
Have you ever wondered why we call God “Father”,
more specifically Abba Father? The definition of ABBA is [AB ah] (father) — an Aramaic word that corresponds to our “Daddy” or “Papa.”
It is found three times in the New Testament.
Daddy or Papa just sounds close, warm and personal, doesn’t it?
I hold my Papaw in an endearing respected position.
Why? He loved me unconditionally.
Our Heavenly Father does too.
John 3:16 (NKJV)16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Dr. Mahoney put in perspective this Father’s Day.
I hope you enjoyed your Father’s Day as much as I did mine and
I pray that you embraced the Father’s love too.
With The Love of Christ
Oh and Deacon Dan
Deuteronomy 31:6
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