I like chocolate. I especially like dark chocolate. I like dark chocolate because it has a pungent, sharp taste first and then the balance of the creme and sugar comes in with a sweetness. Easter 2009 was like dark chocolate to me. First, five baptisms; and what a sermon our pastor preached, so sharp and pungent with the truth of God and then the sweetness of salvation through Jesus Christ. To top that all off, we had two young families present their children to God with a commitment to follow our Lord. Dark Chocolate, though our pastor becomes someone else’s pastor next Sunday. He moves on, following God`s will, and we will miss him. What a pungent feeling I have about that. The sweetness is to know I have been lead, taught, and mentored under a man who is following God’s will. You see, he has answered a call and I for one am proud to know he follows our Lord. Pray for his ministry. Yes, I like dark chocolate, sometimes too much. Easter is our victory through Christ. Enjoy the dark chocolate.
Deacon Dan
Philippians 4:13
Deacon Dan
Philippians 4:13
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