Picture a small eight year old boy sitting in a swing crying and pouring his heart out to God asking for a miracle. My dad had extremely bad emphysema and in an episode when he couldn’t breathe God granted me a miracle. There have been many more in my life. Have you experienced a miracle from God? Do you expect miracles today?
Some people think just because Jesus is not with us in the flesh miracles don’t occur anymore. Sometimes our faith is not strong enough to see miracles that happen everyday. When you pray and ask God for something do you really expect to get it? What if God grants you a miracle but not in the way you expect it? Do you recognize it? Sometimes it takes me a while to realize miracles and sometimes not. You see as a church we have just witnessed an answer to prayer, a miracle.
God is good all the time.What a blessing to see the Edmonson family here this week.
My little brother in Christ is doing great. I praise God for these blessings.
Matthew 21:22 (NKJV)
22 And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”
You see God still hears our prayers Clarksdale Baptist Church. Keep praying we our going to get an awesome pastor and youth minster. I am excited to see what God is doing. Aren’t you?
Glory to God in the Highest, May all Heaven and earth proclaim His Majesty.
Oh and by the way I have many more miracles to talk about.
I’ll share them with you if you ask.
With The Love of Christ
Deacon Dan
Deuteronomy 31:6
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