Time and tide waiteth for no man. I used to ponder that Geoffrey Chaucer quote often in my youth. I wanted to be sixteen to drive & date, eighteen to “do what I wanted to do”, and twenty-one to pursue my career. I wanted to grow up fast. At the age twenty-six I went through somewhat of a “mid-life crisis”. I had not conquered a goal in the medical field I had set early in my career. Eventually I did obtain my career goals.
I noticed as time went by my hair (among other things) changed: my children grew into beautiful young women, other people’s children grew up and had children.
Oh, back to the hair (I chase rabbits more now than I used to). It started becoming what some would call salt & pepper, much more salt than pepper. I watched the hair turn gray-white of men whom I considered mentors. I realized it may have been their gray-white hair that made them my mentor. Well, not really the hair but the years and the wisdom the hair represented.
The glory of young men is their strength, and the splendor of old men is their gray head.Proverbs 20:29
As my glory fades, I will learn to enjoy the splendor of my years. As Martin Luther put it: “It would be a good thing if young people were wise and old people were strong, but God has arranged things better.”
Yes HE always does. My, I’m feeling splendid today.
With The Love of Christ
Deacon Dan
Deuteronomy 31:6
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