I loved my uncle Floyd he always had time for us and he was always pulling practical jokes. I liked him for another reason too; he was the only person I knew that was more scared of the dark than I was.
When I was eight years old my uncle Floyd cane over to my grandmothers house after dark. I knew he was coming so I hid behind a bush and jumped out and scared the bejeebies out of him. Well it was really funny until my uncle caught me. No he didn’t whoop me he just gave me a talking to very sternly. That actually hurt me worse than any paddling would.
I digress, back to surprises, of all times to be late for church I was this past Sunday. How could I have known what would happen at the end of the service? I didn’t even wear my sport coat. I had a surprise.
Mere words could not begin to express my gratitude for the gift from the church. I thank you for that gift and for the blessing of your support. CBC means so much to me and my family.
I have seen God operate this past year in many different ways. He has taught me many things and given me a glimpse of what a pastor’s life is like. I just want to serve Him in any way I can.
Please continue to pray for me and Charlotte as we seek the direction God wants us to go.
I have had something on my heart now for a couple of years and I am trying to make sure it’s what God wants too. When I am convinced it is what He wants I’ll let you in on it.
Please accept my humble thanks and gratitude but my feelings really are much more expressed in my wife’s favorite hymn “To God Be The Glory”.
He has given me the “Abundant life” promised in John 10:10 (New King James Version)
10………………………………. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
Once again thank you and God Bless you
Philippians 1:3-6 (New King James Version)
3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,
4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy,
5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now,
6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;
With the love of Christ
Deacon Dan
John 3:30
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