I thought it odd that they did not routinely order an ultrasound when my wife was expecting our middle child, Jennifer. I had no need to worry, our first daughter was born without problems. On a whim, the ultrasound technologist suggested he could tell the gender of our baby. I scoffed. Ultrasound was too new, or his skills may not be up to that challenge. So Charlotte came and had an Ultrasound. The first thing the technologist said was that our dates were off about eight weeks. I told him he was crazy and we showed the images to the radiologist. The next day we showed the pictures to the obstetrician. He immediately wanted a full fetal workup. You see, Charlotte had lost two pounds. Upon seeing the face of the doctor filled with concern and panic after a fetal stress test, less than eight hours later Jennifer was born via an emergency C-section. That was twenty-four years ago on the nineteenth of September. We had a great church family. But it happened so fast I could not reach anyone from the church (no cell phones). Our parents were on their way, but it would take six hours for them to arrive. We lived in Fort Payne, AL at the time and we felt all alone. But God was beginning to show me His faithfulness. I have often thought of that day when I read the bible. Dr. Douglas’ message reminded me of this promise again. You see, Jesus said in Matthew 28:20 (NKJV)
20 …………………………………and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
God is still with me. It is a promise that has and will continue to give me great comfort.
See you Sunday
With The Love of Christ
Deacon Dan1 Thess 1:2
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